Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Blog post by Brian McKenzie: Organized Chaos

Planting is organized chaos - the feeling that there are a million things to be done and none of them can happen fast enough! We have been fortunate this planting season to have had no significant rainfall in April. A distant light is now visible at the end of the tunnel. This month signifies the home stretch of the planting season. Things have gone smoothly thus far and without major setbacks planting should conclude by the middle of the month.

Logistics is a major factor that goes into having an efficient and speedy planting.

Planting is similar to a game of chess. In planting it is not only important to know what your next move will be, but to have the aptitude to plan out your next four moves, while at the same time keeping the operation nimble enough to make a quick adjustment.

Valuable relationships with reliable partners throughout different facets of the industry make planting a lot easier. Having confidence in our fertilizer company to keep up with our daily requirements, our rice dryer to soak our seed and process our orders, the trucking company to get it to the airstrip and of course the flying service to get the seed off of the runway and into the water provides me with a sense of assurance that when I hang up the phone with them, the things that are out of my control will be completed.

As planting ends and the growing season will get underway I will be thinking about water and weed control and the possibility of being able to come home in time for dinner… my wife is looking forward to that too!

Brian McKenzie proudly represents the fourth generation of rice farmers in his family. Following his graduation in 2005 from The University of Nevada Reno where he earned bachelors degrees in Economics and Marketing, Brian returned to the family farm in South Sutter County to farm full-time alongside his father, Chris. Brian and his wife, Ashley, grow several varieties of conventional and organic rice. Brian enjoys the challenges that farming brings and takes pride in producing food for the world.

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