All of the rains that occurred during the winter kept my ground extremely wet, and that has meant a little extra work this year to chisel and level the soil.
I’m a little behind schedule from where I’d like to be, but we are making strides. I expect my fields to be seeded by airplane within the next several days, which is just in time to ensure the best chance at a bountiful crop come fall. Past history shows that, in my area, the premium medium-grain rice that I grow needs to be planted by the end of this week to ensure its best chance of success.
Warm weather is helpful once the seeds are planted, because we need that water to be warm to get the roots started in the ground and stand those seeds up.
If you travel along the Sacramento Valley in the next few weeks, keep a lookout for the airplanes that will be fast at work seeding rice fields.
After a slower than ideal start, it will be good to get a crop in the ground.
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